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A member registered May 30, 2020

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i've installed the game and its called "CartCrawlersGit (DEBUG)" i wanna play the og version but its debug mode, (it also has a ton of glitches for example engi build pda outside of the map in the first level) it also installs with all classes unlocked but all have the baseball bat in their melee

the heavy is in the map where you fight the sniper boss close to the end of the level

hello i just got the engineer, what you need to do i think is get the heavy and there's a secret room where you can get a skin of the sandvich, then you can get the engi

maybe is just the brass beast with some chips

the caber (in american skin) can somehow make his exploxion massive, i dont know how but in the frozen map it does sometimes

(1 edit)

i also found i glitch that allows you to go through water/air/holes/spikes what you need to do is just hold the spacebar